Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday Funnies

Crazy Hair Night @ Awana..... not much else to say. (I am tired from being up too last with a certain baseball game last night so this is as good as it gets today!)

Also, Mr C wanted me to post this joke for you folks who live in an area like we do where jokes are expected on Halloween in exchange for candy.     
What did the tornado say to the car?  
Do you want to go for a spin?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Apple Pickin'

Back in the day when I taught kindergarten in Arkansas, we would always do an "apple" unit in early fall. Never mind I had never picked an apple anywhere but the grocery store and neither had my students! It was exciting my first fall "up north" when we took the students to a real apple orchard. I remember thinking how fun it would be to take my own children some day. We have gone about every other year and this time around we decided to go a little further across the river and into the next state. Lots of fun as you can see!

 This was a "mine shaft" tunnel slide....we spent a lot of time in this area.
 A long trek back up the hill!
 We ran into some neighbors on the apple wagon and they snapped this photo of us.
The apple picking was little disappointing to Miss M because there had been several hundred preschoolers the week before us and lots of apples had fallen on the ground. Mr C didn't mind as it made it much easier for him to pick! They were still tasty though and made for a great apple crisp.

Rides, this giant jumping thing, and silly shows made for a fun day!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Secret Keeper Girls

I can't say enough about a recent Secret Keeper Girls event Miss M and attended with several friends. If you are a person of influence in the life of a young girl aged 8-12, check out this site. Several of us also read the book by Dannah Gresh entitled"Six Ways to Keep the "Little" in Your Girl and it was an excellent read for mothers of girls even as young as 5 or 6. 
We had a fun time piling in the church van for a short ride across the river into the next state and grabbed a bite to eat before the event.

 Miss M and I were chosen to play a game. Luckily, we had help from the audience!

The event was a perfect mix of fun and the truth that is found in God's Holy Word. Modesty, labels, hurtful words....just a few of the topics presented. Some of our girls are already on me to check into bringing Secret Keeper Live to our church!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Friday Funnies

A day late, but still had to post this picture.
I think this woman is trying to steal a pumpkin.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fancy & Frugal

My real life friends know I love a good bargain, so I just had to post a few pictures from a recent wedding our family attended. Miss M is sporting a sparkly dress in crimson velvet that we scored from Kohl's during an end of spring sale. The original price was $50. It was 90% off, making it $5!!

Not to be outdone, Mr C is dressed up in a totally free-to-me 3 piece hand-me-down suit, which included the shirt and tie. With shoes from Payless and Target, they were dressed to the nines and we only spent pennies!

The reception was baseball themed, so guests were invited to pose with various props for candid shots. My wee ones took advantage of it and posed with their "just like family, but not really" aunts.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Friday Funnies

Mr C is trying to learn the song "Bible Book Bop" by the Go Fish Guys. He is convinced that the next to last book of the New Testament is "dude" - not Jude.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sweet & Simple Gift

This was so easy and a big hit with Miss M's teacher at open house night. I didn't even have to purchase the takeout box - I received a little something in it and just saved it for this purpose! Just dip one half of a few fortune cookies into melted chocolate and add a few sprinkles. Then go here and print out cute labels and call it done! You could make your own label to personalize for just about anyone who needed a little day brightener.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Miss M's 8th Birthday Luau

Call me crazy, but yes I let Miss M invite six friends over for s sleepover party. We did have the assistance of an "aunt". Sara fills that void nicely since our family is out of state. The evening started off with making tie-dyed shirts.
Miss M and I sporting our matching VERY vintage and VERY authentic Hawaiian shirts my grandparents got on a trip right around the time I was born. (see, VERY vintage!)

Fruit kabobs, a veggie tray, and pizza for dinner...not very Hawaiian but easy and tasty nonetheless!
Miss M showing off her flip-flop cake. It was just about the easiest cake we have made to date!
Turquoise of course! Click here for directions.

A little bleary-eyed the next morning but most were still going strong. Doughnuts helped the cause.
Our customary "crazy" shot on the front porch, sporting the shirts we made.
 Also, big thanks to my friend Kris for loaning us a bug tub of tropical decorations. As you can see, even the bathroom got in the party spirit. When I started this post, I realized just how few pictures I had taken - too busy making the party happen I guess!

For the actual birthday day at Nana & Popa's house, we continued the theme with a beach cake.

At long last, Miss M got her ears pierced with no tears! Can hardly believe my girl is eight!


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